webag automat
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webag automat 7.1

Release Notes
February 25, 2011

1. What is new?

1.1 Detailed authoring privileges
1.2 Read privileges on folders
1.3 Imprived user-interface
1.4 New event-triggers
1.5 URLs to images from the content-database
1.6 Bugfixes

2. Installation

2.1 Installation Requirements
2.2 Upgrade-Installation
2.3 New Installation


1. What is new?

1.1 Detailed authoring privileges

The old authoring privilege granting "Insert or delete" on automat-objects has been splitted into
Now you can grant the privilege to insert and/or delete pages to authors and revoke the privilege to modify the folder structure.

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1.2 Read privileges on folders

Read privileges in the webag automat always belong to single documents. Prior to webag automat 7.1 the webmaster could define a "default read privilege" for a complete web. Each new webpage has been created using the default read privilege.

From now the webmaster can define read privilege defaults for every folder sub-tree. You can grant read privileges to users and/or groups. When a folder read privilege has been changed, the webmaster can decide whether the new privileges  should also be saved for existing documents and/or sub-folders.  Available options are:

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1.3 Improved user-interface

The folder-index within the authoring system displays documents with differnts icons depending on the document status:
The design of the forms in the authoring system has been improved to support all current browsers. It runs without problems on the actual versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

From this release we stop the support for Internet Explorer 6. However, webag automat 7.1 is still running on Internet Explorer 6.

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1.4 New event-triggers

With release 6.4 we intruduced "event-triggers". The first trigger-types where: BEFORE_SESSION_START, BEFORE_PUBLISH_PAGE und AFTER_PUBLISH_PAGE. You can write own PL/SQL-functions to add functionality to the automat behaviour.

Now we added two new triggers: BEFORE_SHOW_PAGE fires before a webpage is sent to the users browser. AFTER_SHOW_PAGE runs after sending the page to the browser.

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1.5 URLs to images from the content database

Files do not change their filename-url when the author replaces the file with a newer versions and published it. This is important for links to download-documents.

For image-files  (*.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png) we change the filename-url from now on, because sometimes we had problems with proxy-servers sending an old image-version to the browser even if the image had been replaced in the content database.

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1.6 Bugfixes

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2. Installation

2.1 Installation Requirements


Authoring workstation

2.2 Upgrade-Installation

2.2.1 Log off users

To do so, we would recommend closing down the Apache Web Server for the duration of the installation.

2.2.2 Backup

Before conducting the upgrade, back up your Automat database and the Automat Web Server folders. During the migration of the Automat 4.1.1 data model to the new Automat 4.2 data model a number of new tables are created and others are modified.

2.2.3 Install software

Double-click on the command file upgrade.bat at the topmost level of the CD. This script starts the Oracle tool SQL *Plus. Answer the questions about the connect routine to your Automat scheme and about the Oracle RDBMS version you are using. This automatically starts the relevant SQL scripts. Next check the log files in the folder C:\Temp.

The installation-procedure starts with an Automat-schema requirements-check. If the check encounters errors ist will print the SQL-statements necessary to correct each error. Run the correction-statements using SQL*Plus and restart the upgrade-commandfile upgrade.bat then.

2.2.4 Update Automat Online Help

The Online Help files need to be replaced by the latest version in the \doc folder on the installation CD. The URL of the virtual web server path to the Help files can be found in the global settings parameters “HELPFILE_…” Copy all the files from the CD folder \doc to this destination.     
C:\> COPY  R:\doc\*.*  D:\InetOracle\html\help

2.2.5 Copy Automat-Images

Copy the WebAG Automat Images into your websercer directory "/wt_img". Existing files may be overwritten.
Example: C:\> COPY  R:\automat\webserver\html\wt_img\*.*  D:\InetOracle\html\wt_img

2.2.6 Copy Editor-Javscript-components

Copy the directory "\automat\webserver\html\automat\fckeditor" including all subdirectories into your webserver-directory "/automat".

2.2.7 Start Webserver

Now can restart the Apache webserver.

2.2.8 Check Workflow Background Job

The Automat workflows need an Oracle background job. This jobs has to load upload files into the search engine. Check if the job is running and (if not) restart it using the left Automat tree "System / General / Background jobs". A good job-repeat-interval is 5 minutes.

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2.3 New Installation

The installation of a new WebAG Automat system is described in detail in the Installation Guide.


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